What Are You Most Excited for in the New School Year?

I'm linking up with Big Time Literacy for Day 27 of her Big Time Blogging Challenge.  

Today's topic is to write about what you are most excited about in the upcoming school year.  
For me I always get excited about changing things around in my classroom, new decorations, scented markers, new ideas that I want to try, and my goal of doing it better than I did the year before.

This year I have a little something special to look forward to.
My nephew is going to be in my class.
He is so excited.  
His mom said he was walking through the door singing "I'm going to school"
Then he sat to watch TV and wouldn't take off his backpack or put down his lunchbox!  

My sister's family just moved back to town this past spring so I really don't know him that well...yet!

What are you most excited about?
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  1. That's hysterical about your nephew keeping on the backpack. Too cute!

  2. Omg that is the cutest! He is going to love school for sure!


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