Christmas In July and Big Time Blogging Challenge!

Today I'm linking up (fashionably late) with Blog Hoppin' for their Christmas in July Sale! Everyday different things are on sale so you will have to check back  a lot so you don't miss a THING!  I'm hoping to cross a few things off my wishlist!

In my store, everyday for the next two weeks one of my best selling products will be 20% off.  I'll keep each one on sale for a couple of days just in case anyone else is fashionable late :)July 16-18 my Kissing Hand Back to School Unit is on sale.  This is the unit that started it all.  It was the hardest unit for me to make because it was back when I first started blogging and creating things to sell, but it is also such an important unit for me because The Kissing Hand story is just so perfect for kindergarten! I am still so proud of it!

This unit includes all of the following:

We Love Chester book (there is a lot of color so you might choose to project the story on your interactive board).
Retelling cards and sentence strips for the pocket chart.
Thinking Maps
Chester loves/We love tree map
Chester toys/friends tree map with pictures for sorting
Chester Bubble Map and larger picture of Chester for class bubble map. 
Chester themed ABC cards (uppercase and lowercase)
I Have, Who has number order cards
Kissing hand-number and object matching cards.
Roll and Count 
Multiple Use Game board-Help Chester and his friends get to school.
ABC Letter Tile matching cards.
Chester Raccoon Art Project
Kissing Hand class book template.

I hope there is something you can use!  I'm also still linking up with Big Time Literacy for the Big Time Blogging Challenge.  I did miss yesterday, but we wont dwell on that!  Hop over and check out some of these fabulously ladies who are keeping up with the challenge!

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