
Showing posts from November, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving!  Thank you all so much for following my little blog!  I can't even believe how many of you there are!  Anyways, I for one am taking a break this long weekend.  I will be enjoying my family and putting up Christmas decorations!  This is truly my favorite time of year.  I hope you all can enjoy your weekend and then come back strong for Teachers Pay Teachers Cyber Monday SALE!  Here is how it works-My products are all 20% off, then you can enter the coupon code below for an additional 10% of from Teachers Pay Teachers.  Don't worry, if you can't wait until Monday because my SALE starts Friday! Thanks for stopping by!!!!! Pin It

Random Ramblings...

I might not have posted lately, but I've got about a gazillian posts in my head!  It's just been one of those years where you run yourself ragged all day at work and then you come home and work some more.  I thought that would be something that went away as I got more experience teaching, but I've come to realize that it just depends on the year!  Anyways... This year I decided to teach letters a bit differently.  We went at it letter of the day style and finished pretty quick.  This was all in effort create or own alphabetic code that I posted about a while back.  My plan was to present all of the letters, one per day, then to go back and review.  The thing is, they didn't need to go back.  They learned the letters just as well as they did back when I took two or three days per letter.  We still used McCraken's Spelling Through Phonics which works awesome! After that we moved right into word families.  I use  The kids are learning so much.  I u

Better Late than Never! Thanksgiving Unit!

Well, I know I've sort of been a bad blogger.  But I've been working like a dog!  Despite the TUBS of materials I have for Thanksgiving, I just didn't have what I wanted.  There was no Big Book, there was no write the room, no song and poetry page, no word work center, no pocket chart art!  These are my essentials!!!!  So, I had to make them.  Here is a sample.  Check them out at  Teachers Pay Teachers  or  Teachers Notebook !  Thanks for stopping by! Pin It

Reading Comprehension and Groups Unit

It seems like forever since I've posed, but I am just feeling totally consumed with school and the classes I'm taking on the fabulous core curriculum standards!  It's just been go, go, go all the time!  Despite all of that, I did manage to put together a new reading comprehension packet (inspired by the class I'm taking)!  My kiddos are learning so much!  They can tell you about schema and their connections, and they are retelling animals!  Here is a little peak at the unit!  You can get your own from my  Teachers Notebook  or  Teachers Pay Teachers  store! Pin It

Mrs. Jump is having a giveaway!

Check out this AMAZING giveaway, hosted by  Mrs. Jump !   You can win so many amazing products! Pin It