Field Trips and Reminders :)

Hi there! I'm linking up again today with Big Time Literacy for the Big Time Blogging Challenge. Today's topic is to write about what experiences you would give your students if money was no object.  In this dream reality I'm choosing to also eliminate the hassles and stress too because a girl can dream!

I think I would have to implement monthly field trips.  Regardless of the demagraphic area of where you teach, I believe that field trips are beneficial for all kids.  It brings excitement and novelty to their learning that you just can't replicate in the classroom.  Below are some of the Fabulous Las Vegas Field trips we would take!

Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay is a great field trip

Anderson Dairy - this is such a fun field trip.  The kids get to tour the dairy and it ends with ice-cream!

The Springs Preserve where kids can explore the valley's vibrant history through interactive science and nature exhibits, botanical gardens, hiking, trails and live animal shows" 

Krispy Kreme is always a fun field trip...hmm hard to know I'm gluten free with these food choices.  This one would be torture!

Discovery Children's museum would be great!

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  1. Gluten free, huh? My daughter went gluten free this spring. She is feeling better the longer we are gf and when we don't put hidden gluten into our lives. The field trips look awesome!

    1. Gluten free has changed my life. I've been a chronic migraine sufferer for year. It has helped so much. I downloaded an I phone app called clean eating. You can scan packages at the store and it will search out those hidden sources. It's helped make shopping easier and keeps me from being "poisoned".

  2. Those field trips look awesome! I want to go to the Springs with you guys! :-)

  3. The dairy is a unique field trip. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love the idea of field trips (especially Krispy Kreme!).


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