Meet The Teacher Monday!

Tell us a little something about you...I’m Jody and I’ve been teaching kindergarten going on nine years now!  I have (see pictures) a big outrageous blended family!  We live right around the corner from my mom and sisters family.  Nothing is more important to me then my family…even though they sometimes get put on the back burner while I do school work!  This meet the teacher page is part of my back to school activity I do with the kids.  Everybody makes a page to share!

You might not know...I seem to do everything backwards!  I didn’t get my degree until I was 29 and I met my wonderful husband the same year I started teaching!  What a year that was!

What are you looking most forward to this school year?  This was the first year in a long time that I actually had the summer off!  It has been so nice to be able to recuperate from last year.  Now I’m just so excited to meet my new class and try out all the ideas I’ve gathered from the blogging world over the summer!

What do you need to improve? I’m always trying to improve everything.  Which means about 50 projects and ideas going all at once.  I think I really need to get focused and ORGANIZED!

What teaching supplies can you *not* live without?  I have a not so secret pocket chart addition.  Off the top of my head, I think I have at least 12 or 13!  Last year I got a smartboard in my room too, LOVE it!  Last, storage baskets-those white  ones from walmart.  I have a little room so all my “center” supplies move around in baskets!

Your Turn!  Head on over to Blog Hoppin' to link up for Teacher Week!

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  1. Sometimes doing things backwards was the right way to do it after all. :-) Taking the summer off is wonderful, isn't it? I can never quite make myself get a summer job...good thing my husband is understanding about it, ha!


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