Giveaway Reminder and 2 Freebies!

First, don't forget enter my giveaway, $10.00 at Teachers Pay Teachers can get you some good stuff!  There is still time to enter by clicking here!

Freebie #1-   I was looking at Facebook and HeidiSongs posted a question for a friend asking about what you do at meet and greets before school starts.  One of the things that we do is pass out the first homework project of the year.  In this project families basically make a scrapbook page that is all about their child.  I got this idea from a friend a few years ago and I've been using it ever since!  The pages turn out great and we learn so much about the kids and their families.  Here is the letter we send home with a piece of construction paper. 

Freebie #2- I got to thinking about my shared reading.  I love using big books.  We often use Thinking Maps after we are finished.  I wanted to come up simple sheets that I can use after any story on my smart board, blown up on a poster for groups, or as individual worksheets.  Here are a five that  I came up with.  I think I might even make them an option for students to use with Daily 5! 

Thanks for stopping by!  I hope you found something useful.  Don't forget to leave a comment or follow my page if you like what you see!



  1. What a great idea to use thinking maps after your shared reading! I tried clicking on the link but your note to parents keeps popping up.
    Dual Kinder Teacher

  2. Thanks for letting me know! It's fixed. For some reason the line for Name and Title doesn't show up in google docs, but it came back when I downloaded. Please let me know if you have any more problems. Sometimes computers are so weird!


  3. Hi Jody! I just started following you! Thanks for the freebie and for following my blog!
    Spotlight on Kindergarten

  4. Awesome, thanks for the freebies :)
    Dual Kinder Teacher

  5. Hi Jody,
    I am a new follower! I love your getting to know you activity.
    Funky First Grade Fun

  6. thank you for sharing.


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