Classroom Jobs with a Camping Theme!

It's a Linky Party! - 

Inspired to join in the fun, I started working on my camping themed jobs!  Here’s what I’ve come up with! All of the names don’t have a camping theme, but I figure I will at least pair the job with a camping picture and that should do the trick!
Star Camper-We have a whole morning routine to cheer for this student.  Then this person picks a friend (a boy has to pick a girl and a girl has to pick a boy).  These students have three jobs for the day. I find this the best way to fill those jobs that that are gender specific and also the most coveted job of allpaper passer! 1.  Line leaders  2. Bathroom monitors 3. Paper passers.

Update * you can get the jobs by clicking here!

 Weekly Jobs (some of my jobs require more than one student. I have a lot of jobs because I have a lot of kids):

Sanitation Ranger(2)-gives a pump of hand sanitizer
Math Choice Manager(2)-Helps put math choice tubs back in order, I keep my math tubs numbered.
Calendar Changer (2)-This helps out so much because I never remember to do it, but they never forget!
Campground Attendant(2)-messenger, takes attendance to the office
Lunchroom helpers(2)-helps clean up after lunch
Camp Host-Welcomes guests who visit our room

Lunch Count(2)-These kids make sure everyone moves their card in the morning, then they put all of the cards back at the end of the day.
Camp Ranger -Answers questions, help other kids when I’m with a reading group
Wood Collector-Collects pencils off desks
Reading Ranger- Organizes classroom library
Conservation Officer- Waters plants
Behavior Cards-Turns all behavior cards back to green at the end of the day

Desk checker-makes sure reading group books and homework folders are not left in desks
“Deer” Door Holder
Lantern Lighter-Turns lights on and off
Camp Cleaner-makes sure all play ground equipment is brought in after recess
Power Ranger-Computers powered down at the end of the day
Campout Capper-checks glue and marker caps are on

Canteen Counter-counts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 goodbye while students get drinks after recess (We don’t have drinking fountains on our playground, while we encourage students to bring water bottles, many don’t). 
Scrap Scout-picks up scraps off floor

Click to  Join the Party!


  1. Thanks for joining the linky party. I love the camping theme job ideas! Don't forget when you join parties to put a link back to where the party came from. It's just so if your followers want to join they know where to go. Thanks!
    Peace, Mel D
    Oh the Places We’ll Go

  2. Thank You! With a little work I made it bigger and added the picture...I'm getting this, slowly but surely!

    1. Jody,
      I'm just finding your blog from a year ago. I don't see a link to download these adorable classroom job pictures with a camping theme. Are they now in a TPT packet or something? I'd love a copy! Starting a camping theme in the fall!

  3. Hey Jody its Cindy. I am so glad you found us. Your blog is adorable! I can't believe you already had your fist giveaway. You are amazing. I learning all the ins and outs slowly. By the ways your job helpers are so cute!

    Teaming Up To Teach

  4. I like your water counter idea. I added that job on to my line leader. My hope is that the line leader will get their water then turn and count for the rest of their line... that's my hope of course.
    I'm having a giveaway and my first linky party! Just scroll down to find all the goodies.
    Kinders on the Block

  5. I just linked to this on my blog posting about job boards... its so cute!

  6. Love the title "canteen counter". You will be seeing that in my classroom! I also really like "Power Ranger" as we have ipads next year. My helper board is called "Campers' Commitments".

    I would love to share some of my camping ideas. Please check out my camping classroom

  7. Jody can you direct me how to print these adorable camper job labels?

  8. Unless you're a graphic designer looking for employment, there's no need to over think the plan of your one-pager. If you're looking for work, you might be short on cash. If you want to get more interesting details about resume, visit this site.


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