13 for 30

Merry Christmas! Bad blogger returns!  I figured that linking up with Ms. Kindergarten and Friends would be a good way to try to get back in the grove of things!  Have a very happy holiday!

13. Favorite article of clothing: I am addicted to tank tops (seriously).  I wear them under everything.  I think I might have a problem.  Really, I wear them under t-shirts (even when it's 110)!

12. Favorite movie you watched: The Impossible-It was just so good, moving...a must see!

11. Favorite TV series: I started watching Scandal!  It sucks you in!!! I just feel like Olivia Pope is one of my bff’s, it’s like we are connected! I am so glad to have found her, especially now that Dexter has left me! (He's coming back right)?
10. Favorite restaurant: HmmThis is a hard one.  I LOVE food, all food, but as many of you know I have this chronic migraine issue and so I’m now, get thisgluten free, dairy free, sugar free..  (I'll try anything to get rid of these headaches)! 
Anyway, Eating can be difficult.  I've only actually eaten there once, but I fell in love with Bonefish Grill! I ate there before going gluten free, but bonus, they have a Gluten Free Menu and the Chilean Sea Bass is Oh so delicious!

9. Favorite new thing you tried: Going gluten free, I have to admit, it's a little hard, but so far I feel really good, and the migraines are much better!

8. Favorite gift you got: It is at work so I don't have a picture!  It's just a little block with a teacher saying.  But, my daughter bought it for me-with her own money!

7. Favorite thing you pinned: It is really so hard to choose, but this cracked me up when I was looking!

6. Favorite blog post: Admittedly I have been a bad blogger.  But I chose this post for two reasons  The first being that something had to be correct.  I was obviously rushing through something.  I actually wish that wasn't part of the post.  The real reason was the mitten pocket chart picture!  I love seeing that picture pinned and re-pinned.  It does the heart good!  It's such a good story and a great retelling strategy!

5. Best accomplishment:
This year I was asked to speak at our district’s kindergarten conference on staff development day!  I was super honored but so nervous because I am honestly not much of a public speaker.  Fortunately, everyone was very supportive, and I got to talk about shared writing (something I could chat about for quite some time) and I think I actually did okay!!!

4. Favorite picture: My daughter and my husband. I just love the way it captured the moment and their true relationship.

3. Favorite memory:
My baby girl graduated high school this year.  I can’t recall being so proud and sad all at the same time.  Bless her heart she wants to teach kindergarten!

2. Goal for 2014:  I feel like this year my goal has to be organization of my life.  Last year things just got so cluttered and I don't even know how it happened.  I wish I was a little more type A, but I am much more type hot mess! :)

1. One Little Word: Happy
Just love this little tune, I try to sing it to myself whenever I stress about life and it really does make me happy :)
Here's a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry, be happy
In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy
Don't worry, be happy now

Oh!  One more thing!  I have been working on my Phonics Chant and Dance product for the last year.  I used it in my classroom last year but didn't get a chance to post it!  It's finally finished and I am so excited!  In honor of that I am sharing it for free, but only for the next 24 hours!  Please leave feedback if you get it!  Hope you like it!

Phonics Chant and Dance

Thanks to everyone who read my post and downloaded my product.  The Free for 24 hours is now over, but you can purchase it for only $4.00.  Thank you for following my blog. 
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  1. Thanks Jody for sharing, I know if must be tough to keep up with a blog. Thanks for the download and I love that mitten idea. Have a wonderful Christmas!

    1. You are welcome! Maybe next year I'll do better! Merry Christmas and thank you for reading!


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