Five for Friday

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I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching to share five random things from my crazy week!

  1. My baby, my little girl is graduating this June.  We just got her pictures back and I have been frantically working to get invites and announcements done.  I absolutely love the way her pictures turned out!

  2. Monday is my birthday-turning 40!!!  Having a little trouble dealing with this number, but what can you do?  Well, I figured it would at least be good for a TPT Sale!
  3. A few years ago, after years of suffering from stomach problems, if finally figured out that sugar was the main culprit.  Since then, I try to eat healthy and as naturally as possible.  Last week I found this awesome blog  I made granola bars and they were delicious!

    4.  Our class been plants grew like crazy!  And now our Surprise Garden (which I usually forget to take care of) is growing too!  I think I have a green thumb!

    5.  Next week our class is starting a new theme-The Story of Three's.  We are starting with The Three Little Pigs, then we go to The Three Little Bears and finally we finish with The Three Billy Goats Gruff.      I have never done this unit before but I love the idea.  My kids have been having trouble with retelling but I think that these stories will be great to help them practice.  And I am definitely going to use Dr. Jean's retelling bracelets!

    Thanks for reading my babbling!



  1. I just found your blog through the linky and I'm happy to be your newest follower! :)

    Kinder Krazy

  2. I am also a new follower and I LOVE the idea about the The Story of Threes!!! That's a for sure for me!!!
    thank you!


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