CVC Spelling Help!

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I am a very lucky teacher in that I have several reliable, wonderful parent helpers.  The problem is that I only have a few minutes to prepare materials and instructions for them.  Many of my kids need help with spelling CVC spelling words.  So I finally sat down and made my own book of scripted lessons to help my parents help my students!  This packet has tons of simple lessons to help students spell CVC words.  All of the work is done on whiteboards so there is no copying to do!  Check it out at my TPT store!  If you like it, keep your eye out for more.  Long vowels, digraphs and blends, and letter sound packs will be coming soon!

I have also recently spruced up my my Reading Group Comprehension Pack.  I've added a couple of new comprehension cubes.  If you've already purchased it, you can just re-download the product.  Otherwise, it you can pick it up at my TPT store!

Hope you find something that can help!


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