It's Been A While! Ramblings and a Sale!

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Wow!  I can't believe how long it's been since I've had the time to sit down and sit down with my little blog!  I want to say thank you to all of my followers who have stuck with me!  And welcome to my new followers!  Since my last post I finished two of the five classes I'm taking this summer.  Those two were not too bad, just PDE's.   These last three are all on-line graduate credit courses.  Who knew that on-line classes would be so much work?  Not me!  I know that I’m a bad blogger, but maybe a sale will help! J All of my Teachers Pay Teachers products are on sale from Monday, July 9th through Thursday, July 12th!
Anyway, sine things have calmed down, a little; I've been able to get a bit of work done!  First of all, there was a mistake in my Kissing Hand Unit.  I accidently made two cards with 11 paws and no card for 12 paws.  So, if you bought that unit please re-download it!

I’ve had several requests that my All About Numbers Pocket chart go up to thirty.  That has also been taken care of.  If you previously purchased it you can just re download it from Teachers Pay Teachers or Teachers Notebook. 

Sadly although I live in Vegas, I will not be able to make it to ITeach K! L I am very sad about this, but I hope that everyone who gets to go posts lots of pictures and make sure you blog about all of the great ideas!

Oh, I also wanted to thank all of my friends who wrote saying that you gave me a blogger award!  Someday I hope to actually deserve it! 



  1. yay for sales!! im your newest follower drop by love to participate at your next giveaway =)

    Just Wild About Teaching

  2. Sounds like you are having a productive summer! Thanks for putting your stuff on sale this week! Renee

  3. Hi Jody! I just found your blog! I am looking forward to reading.

    Sprinkles to Kindergarten


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