Student Treasures

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This week my class is putting the finishing touches on our Student Treasures books.  I love making these books, most of the time.  Today we drew our final pictures.  I carefully explained to the students why their pictures needed to be on the back of someone else's writing (so their picture would be next to the words). I showed examples and even had students restate the directions.

Then we got started.  When the first student asked my why they had someone else's page I calmly re-explained.   I was calm when the second student asked and even when the third student asked.  By the fourth time I was just about ready to pull out all of my hair!!!!!  But, at last we are finished and I can't wait to see our final product!


  1. Tag, you're it! Check out my blog for your questions.
    Heather B.
    Krazy about Kindy

  2. How exciting! Good luck with your books!

    Lori (
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  3. My kindergartners seem to have selective hearing these days, too! Bless their hearts, I think their bodies are shooting up and their brains are taking a wee break. :-)

  4. You are a better teacher than me. We tried that one year and just couldn't get it to work-using the markers, the writing on the back of the page. The end-product just didn't look very good. Maybe that's something we have to revisit. Kudos to you for sticking with it-I'm sure it will be something to "treasure"! :)


    1. Thanks! The trick is to use colored pencils! I usually do all of it small group, but this year I was in a time crunch!


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