Daily 5...or 3

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So at the start of this year I planned to do Daily Five.  I had read the book several times over the summer and I felt that I was ready.  Then, it was the first day of school and guess what?  I couldn't do it.  I felt like my little babies would not be able to handle it.  So, I set a goal to begin in January.  It didn't take until January.  After 9 years of centers it was time for a change (at least for this class).

I started Daily 5 with my class at the beginning of of December.  I followed the book very carefully, but I soon found that one day's lesson in the book often took me 2 or 3 days.  I also learned that sometimes I needed to modify the lessons (just a little) to suit my own needs.  It didn't matter though, because it worked!  

We now have 2 sessions.  The first session is read to self and we are up to 14 minutes!  Our second session is read to someone and listen to reading (also 14 minutes).  We do word work and writing as their own thing.  Maybe we should call it Daily 3, but the kids really don't notice.   The best part is that I have started scheduling one reading group during read to self and another during read to someone!  And it's quiet!!!! The rest of my reading groups get done during our math choices in the morning.

Another bonus! My kids still get to go to "fun" centers at the end of the day.  They don't even realize they are learning as they play on the smart board!!!

Thanks for sticking with this once in a while blogger!


  1. I just began Daily 5 this year too, and find that everyone I have talked with about the program ends up adapting A LOT for their class! I completely identify with the beginning lessons taking longer than the book had originally described, but I have loved using this model(especially after integrating the Cafe Menu) in my classroom of first grade babes! I just began training my little ones in a modified Daily 5 math this past week...it's so hard to relinquish control...just a little bit at a time!

    1. That control is the hardest part! But I love that they are excited about what they are doing. Daily 5 math? I've never heard of that???? Sounds interesting!

  2. My students have been doing read to self since January and it has increased their reading potential greatly. They know exactly what to do and are becoming veru good readers. I still havent gotten enough courage to do read to someone, they cant handle being together without hitting or tattling about something.


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