Sight Words!

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When I first started teaching kindergarten the report card that I was using didn't really even cover sight words!  It was part of the standards but I just don't remember it being on the report card.  Slowly but surely things have changed.  For a long time students had to know about 25 words by the end of the year.  I felt like this was a pretty good minimum number considering some kids come in knowing zero letters.  But, this wasn't a good number for all kids.  I solved my issues with the Dolch Kit from a website called The School Bell.  This sight has tons of great ideas and I really love the sight word program.  Not to mention it's free, you just have to download and print.  The best part of this program for me is that it allows students to work at the pace that is best for them.

This year our district gave us a list of 100 words.  Students need to know the first 50 to get meets standards and they work on the second 50 to exceed standards.  Most of the words are in my beloved Dolch Kit, but they are pretty spread out.  So, to end this super long story, I made this game to practice the first 50 sight words on our list and you can get it for free at my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  It might not be exactly the same list you are working on, but I find that once they get about 50 words they start to pick up words really fast.  Not to mention it's a fun way to practice sight words!

Hope you like it!



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