Please Let The Honeymoon Last Forever!

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You know what I'm talking about right?  That first day back after a break or long weekend when you open the door and let in those sweet little angels, and they actually stay angels!  I actually had that day today, well for the most part anyway.  I think they must have missed the place. NOBODY had to turn their card... well, one kid did, but not until the last hour of the day.  Plus they read for FIVE whole minutes during daily five (we just started about 2 weeks before break).  I changed our schedule up a bit.  We have specials in the morning so I moved math to the morning and put just about everything literacy in the afternoon.  Close to the end of the day one little sweetie actually said "I can't believe how fast this day went"!   Please let the honeymoon last forever!


  1. I totally agree! My kids were the same way today and the day went so well! :)

  2. Oh, this gives me hope for my day on Thursday!!!

  3. Jody - I would LOVE to chat with you a bit. I teach kindergarten and am playing with the idea of implementing the D5 in my classroom. Any advice you can provide will be greatly appreciated! :o)

    jennkeys @ gmail . com

  4. Jenny, I'm just beginning myself, but we could certainly share ideas.

    Day two friends, the honeymoon is over! =(


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