Thanksgiving Math Choices and a Sale!

I know that I've said things like this before, but.... I really am going to try to blog more.  I don't know if it's old age or what but I've really been struggling with time management lately.  Then, when I come home start working on things for my classroom and get sidetracked!  The problem is that the work never ends!!!!!!  Anyway, tonight I have sort of been forced.  Today I was preparing my math tubs for November and found a mistake in one of my products!  Ugh!!!  I hate when that happens!

So, I want everyone to know that the mistake has been fixed.  If you have previously purchased my Thanksgiving Math Tubs, please go to TPT and re-download the product.  If you haven't, then you should definitely check it out!!  Also...everything is on sale in my TPT store!  I hope you can find something!

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