I'm Back! Valentine's Day and Some Random Babbling!

I'm back!  
Well sort of... I made it my New Years resolution to be better at blogging.  
Ya might notice how that's been going or actually NOT going!

I'm constantly facing tough choices.  
Like...do I binge watch TV with the puppy on my lap or my computer?  
The puppy (is no longer actually a puppy) is so warm and cuddly.  :)

Between the work that needs done with the new house and school I come home exhausted!  It had been a while since I created anything for TPT.  Last month I worked up a bit of motivation and made a new Valentine math pack! 
I really like it.  Click on the picture to check it out!

I have a lot of math products on TPT.  
The products that I create are what I typically use in my math bins.  
The games are pretty much the same all year, but I change the theme.  
That way, kids always know how to play while the changing theme provides novelty.  
It works great for me!

This week we celebrated our 100th day of school!  
We all dressed up like we were 100 years old.  
Is there anything better than hearing your students say "this is the best day ever"!

This is a picture that my sister took of me with my nephew!  
I love having him in my class this year!  
He's a pretty cute old man!

My co-working made this awesome photo booth!  
The kids had a great time getting their 100 year old pictures taken!  
Is this an awesome idea or what?  
I only wish that I was a better photographer!

I just pinned this!  
I'm really getting into making homemade lotions and potions.  
I've actually made one (that's a start right).  
Anyway, I think I'm going to make this one over the weekend!

Thanks for stopping by!  
I'm going to need to get back to my binge watching now!

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