Reading Week Bulletin Boards & Catching Up!

Thank you so much for staying with my blog!!!  I know, I really stink at keeping up with this thing.  Right now I have to say it's that darn puppy!  She does not like to be ignored, and she's so stinking cute I have a little trouble resisting her.  

But I have wanted to keep up and post a few things!  We had reading week a couple of weeks ago and my kids did a great job on our Pete the Cat bulletin board.

I love this one -"My buttons, my buttons, my four groovy buttons"!

My friend Amy also did a great version of Elephant and Piggie!  So cute, I'm sure she wont mind my sharing!

Last week we learned about butterflies.  These were a little more difficult than I thought, but that might have just been because we did our Fun Run that morning!

Well, that's what we have been up to.  Thanks for stopping by!

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