New Years Resolution and The Mitten & a Freebie

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I'm back!  Well really  I haven't been anywhere.  Most days I feel like I have so much to say, but then I start reading everyone else's blogs and before you know it my computer gets shut down and I'm relaxing on the couch! Kudos to all of you who keep up with regular blogging!  I don't know how you do it!  

 Anyway...I did make a lot of New Years Resolutions, and one is that I would make a blog post at least once a week...we'll see how I do!  Like many of you, we are reading The Mitten this week.  You probably have a gazillion ideas but if you are anything like me, it's always fun to see what other people are doing!

I'm teaching half day and we have a lot to fit in so be warned, we are not doing anything extravagant.  However, I try to make sure that everything we do is important and effective!  

Monday-Read The Mitten by Jan Brett, focus on vocabulary, main idea, problem and solution
Tuesday-Re-read The Mitten by Jan Brett-retell with pictures in the pocket chart.  For the pocket chart we have a big mitten.  Then the students post the characters in the order that they went into the mitten.  I should have posted a picture-maybe tomorrow!

Wednesday- Students retell the story using the pocket chart pictures.  Then they get to make their own large mitten placing the characters in the mitten as they retell the story! Read -The Mitten by Jim Aylesworth.
Thursday-.Read The Mitten by Alvin Tresselt.  Brainstorm ideas for our own Mitten story.
Friday-Everybody writes and illustrates a page for The Mitten class book.  Hopefully we will also read the class book!

You can click on the link for a the class book (It's a Freebie)!

My students are also doing my Mitten Write The Room center for word work and some of use are working on our CVC/CVCe words with My Mitten game.  They are pretty cheap on Tpt!

Okay, I've kept the resolution for one week.  Thanks for not abandoning my little blog!


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