The Daily Five

I finally ordered and started reading The Daily Five.  I only seem to read when I'm on the elliptical at the gym, so I’m not quite finished yet!  But, so far I'm hooked. So, I started researching how I could use it in kindergarten and I've found a few good ideas about how I can use my literacy centers for daily five activities.  I also found this website and it has so much daily five stuff that I had to share.  I really like the Daily Five for Dummies! 

D-K Instructional Coach


  1. Thank you so much for posting this link. We started using The Daily 5 toward the end of last year. This site will be extremely beneficial! Great find!

    Lil' Country Kindergarten

  2. Okay...when I saw that site, by heart skipped a beat! Thank you JILLIONS for sharing. I'm a Daily 5 "wannabe" this year. I've read the book twice and am ready to take the plunge. Keep sharing your ideas!!

  3. I just purchased this book for my summer reading and am in love with it. I want to implement it into my classroom.

  4. I just discovered your blog( Im kinda new to the blog world... ) and I love it! Fabulous ideas... I thoroughly stalked your page and I am your newest follower:)
    Have a great week!
    Miss S
    Just Teaching...Kindergarten


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