
Showing posts from October, 2011

Five Fat Turkeys Freebie and Thanksgiving Math Mini-Unit!

 We are learning the Five Fat Turkeys song for our Thanksgiving program!  Here is our poster for the poetry station. After we learn the song, we will illustrate it in our Song and Poetry journals and act it out in our drama center.  Hope you can use it, please leave a comment if you do! Five Fat Turkeys If you like these products, check out my Thanksgiving Math Unit at Teachers Pay Teachers  or Teachers Notebook !

Bad Blogger Gone Batty!

It seems like it's been forever since I've posted anything!  Between the class I'm taking, school, and LIFE, I think I really have gone batty! We've been learning about Bats.  We started with a RAN chart (Reading and Analyzing text).  We first recorded what we thought we knew about bats.  Then we moved to recording what we wanted to know or what we wondered about bats.  As we read many texts we added to our learning.  We answered most of our questions and found a few misconceptions! We described bats during our morning meeting and on another day we labeled the parts of the bat. We used tree maps to record our learning.  I wish I would have taken a picture of one of the kids maps, but here is a master. Bats Are Can Have Tree Map We used our tree-maps to make flip books- Clip art by KPM Doodles. Here is the cover page and sentence strips! All About Bats Cover Page Bats are Tomorrow, we will make bats! Pin It...

Reading Pointers

Foam Spider Stickers-$3.00 Mini-Craft Sticks-$2.00 Kids happily pointing to words as they read-Priceless! The kids really do light up when they get their new pointers! Pin It

Star Student-Round Two!

A few weeks ago I posted about the name game  that I wanted to try with my student!  I am loving it!  We are now on round two of our name game.  Everyday we choose our star student, randomly from a bag of sticks.  We clap the syllables in that student's name.  Then we write the letters for each sound in the student's name.  Next, we make a class book for the student.  This round we are writing "You are" sentences.  We started with a "You are" circle map that we keep posted.  Each student has to write a "You are" sentence for the student of the day.  I hope that makes sense, maybe the pictures will help! Pin It


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Super Stars and Fire Safety!

My niece and nephew are always willing to pose for a picture, especially when I tell them that they will be superstars!  Here they are modeling the pocket chart art center project from my new fire safety unit- They are pretty adorable right?  Superstars! This is just one of two art projects in my shared reading unit.  Here's a peak at the rest!                                Pin It Thanks for stopping by!  If you want to find out more about the fire safety unit it's available at my  Teachers Notebook  store and  Teachers Pay Teachers .